Apple Banishes Facebook Data Reaper From iPhones
Apple has blocked a Facebook app that paid users for total access to all network data passing through their mobile phones. Facebook had been paying users $20 a month for root network access to their phones. Facebook was on-boarding users of its Research program, which included teenagers, through Apple's Enterprise system, which Apple said was a violation of its policy. The Enterprise system is supposed to be used only for the distribution of internal corporate apps to employees, not to paid external testers.
Blue Collar Linux: Something Borrowed, Something New
Sometimes it takes more than a few tweaks to turn an old-style desktop design into a fresh new Linux distribution. That is the case with the public release of Blue Collar Linux. Blue Collar Linux has been under development for the last four years. Until its public release this week, it has circulated only through an invitation for private use by the developer's family, friends and associates looking for an alternative to the Windows nightmare. Another large part of his user base is the University of Wisconsin, where he engages with the math and computer science departments.
Gear Latest
Things We Loved in January, From Smart Glasses to Self-Lacing Shoes
Thu, 31 Jan 2019 18:00:00 +0000
Plus: Breville's $800 pizza oven, Fender's newest guitar, and a habit-breaking browser extension.
BBC News - Technology
Mail Online web browser warning reversed
Fri, 01 Feb 2019 10:15:08 GMT
A warning that the Daily Mail's website failed to maintain "basic standards of accuracy" is changed.