Sunday, February 27, 2011

Soldier impersonators target women on Facebook
[ Sun, 27 Feb 2011 17:46:05 GMT ]

This screenshot shows a Facebook page set up by a person impersonating Army Sgt. James Hursey and showing Facebook friend Janice Robinson. Hursey, 26, discharged and sent home from war in Iraq to nurse a back injury, found a page with his photos on Facebook — on a profile that wasn't his. It was fake, set up by someone claiming to be an active-duty soldier looking for love. The fake's cover was blown by Robinson after she had begun talking to him thinking he was one of several people named Mark Johnson that she knew.Scamsters are targeting women on Facebook in what's becoming an all-too-common ruse: They steal photos of soldiers to set up profiles, profess their love and devotion in sappy messages — and then ask their victims to cut a check.

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