Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Ransomware infects Ukraine energy ministry website

BBC News - Technology
Ransomware infects Ukraine energy ministry website
Ransomware infects Ukraine energy ministry website
Hackers have taken Ukraine's energy ministry website offline, demanding a Bitcoin ransom to release encrypted files.
Fighting Fake News and Forging Real Diplomacy
What we do about fake news today could have a major impact on our future. Two new initiatives -- a concerted effort by Apple and a massive educational effort called the "Pro-Truth Pledge" -- could help eliminate much of the fake news BS that is really messing up the United States at the moment. On another front, President Donald Trump's plan to meet with Kim Jong-un, the supreme leader of North Korea, reminds me a bit too much of a pivotal meeting between Carly Fiorina, who was CEO of HP at the time, and Steve Jobs, who was then CEO of Apple.

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