Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Gamer with terminal cancer achieves 'Ultimate' goal

BBC News - Technology
Gamer with terminal cancer achieves 'Ultimate' goal
Gamer with terminal cancer achieves 'Ultimate' goal
Chris Taylor who has bone cancer got to play Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. Ultimate game early following a social media campaign.
Women as CEOs: The Problems and the Promise
I've followed several female CEOs over the years. Most of them failed, largely because they were both unqualified for the job and their boards didn't back them up. In several cases, the board and the CEO seemed to be in conflict, or the board simply didn't do anything. Those failures have created the impression that female CEOs are a bad bet. However, I believe the real problem is that boards haven't been doing their jobs. I think women would make better CEOs than men if they were trained and supported as well.
Gear Latest
The Clever Engineering Behind the New iPhone XS Battery
The Clever Engineering Behind the New iPhone XS Battery
The iPhone XS has a unique shape, designed to squeeze in as much juice as chemistry and physics will allow.

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