BBC News - Technology
Countdown on for world's longest non-stop flight
Singapore Airlines' non-stop flight to Newark will cover more than 15,000km and will take about 19 hours.
Apple hires engineers from UK company Dialog
The deal represents one of Apple's biggest takeovers in headcount terms.
Smart High-Tech Solutions for Aging in Place
The call came in less than an hour before the 8 a.m. shift was scheduled to start: A family emergency meant the regular caregiver for an elderly client couldn't make her shift that day, so a replacement caregiver was needed ASAP. Homewatch CareGivers of San Juan Capistrano had to quickly send a substitute from its pool of licensed, trained and security-bonded caregivers. Once confirmed to cover the shift, the substitute caregiver tapped into the Homewatch CareGivers "Care+" mobile system to access the client's medical information.
Protecting Against 'Natural' Cybersecurity Erosion
Every child who's ever played a board game understands that the act of rolling dice yields an unpredictable result. In fact, that's why children's board games use dice in the first place: to ensure a random outcome that is -- from a macro point of view, at least -- about the same likelihood each time the die is thrown. Consider for a moment what would happen if someone replaced the dice used in one of those board games with weighted dice -- say dice that were 10 percent more likely to come up "6" than any other number. Would you notice?
Gear Latest
How Jamal Khashoggi's Apple Watch Could Solve His Disappearance
Data from wearables—like location, activity, and heart rate—provide valuable clues to investigators.